When Will It End?

Political drama continues to unfold.  The issues are not new.  Refugees fleeing from systemic oppression are refused entry to countries.  Yet, without entry, they cannot legally make application for asylum.  Racial hatred grows and is demonstrated by actions ranging inappropriate calls for the police (as the call complaining about Black… Read More »When Will It End?

June: Pride Month

1969:  I have some clear memories of that year.  I was in my adolescence.  I didn’t understand my sexuality.  I don’t think I ever heard the word “gay” used to refer to sexual orientation.  I didn’t know anything about sexual orientation.  All I knew for sure was that I didn’t… Read More »June: Pride Month

It Happened One Day …

Tuesday, May 29, 2018: two significant events occurred in the United States.  Two major corporations took action on social issues that, at least in the short run, hurt their bottom line. They made decisions to reduce the impact of racism in the United States. Starbucks closed 8,000 stores for company-wide… Read More »It Happened One Day …

The Politics of Christianity

There are many things in life I just don’t understand.  One of them is how people misrepresent the heart of a religion — any religion.  Whether it’s Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity, some followers of each path are likely to take minor themes from the religion out of context, blow… Read More »The Politics of Christianity

Set on Fire

From time to time, I post a meme on my Facebook page and Twitter feed with quotes from spiritual writers I find inspiring.  A few days ago, I posted this one with a quote from 13th Century Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart. Eckhart was a Dominican priest, philosopher, and theologian.  In… Read More »Set on Fire