Don’t Pray As You Can’t.

He sat in my office and shared his frustration. “I don’t know why it doesn’t work for me. After my wife started, I read articles about it and know it’s a healthy practice. But I just can’t sit still to meditate.” Doug, in his late thirties, was professional and well-educated.… Read More »Don’t Pray As You Can’t.

Are You Good Enough?

It’s a common problem. It’s so common that in the 1990’s, the late-night TV show Saturday Night Live created a skit about people addressing this problem. With Al Franken playing the character Stuart Smalley, Stuart attempted to convince himself that he was good enough, smart enough, and that “Doggone it,… Read More »Are You Good Enough?

Music and the Human Spirit

I don’t know him very well. The truth is, if it wasn’t for Facebook, I probably wouldn’t know him at all. He’s a young man in his twenties living in another part of the world. We’ve exchanged a few emails and other chat messages. He’s bright, educated, well versed in… Read More »Music and the Human Spirit

It’s a Familiar Story

Yes, it’s a familiar story. The young man was out with his friends. Looking across the room, he saw someone who caught his eye. Carefully watching, he became more interested. His friends encouraged him: “Go over and introduce yourself.” After some time, he found enough confidence to make his move.… Read More »It’s a Familiar Story

What Are You, Anyway?

“So, what are you, anyway?” That was the question he asked. Catching me off guard, I wasn’t sure how to respond. Here’s how it all happened. We were sitting on a living room sofa. It was a Saturday evening party at a friend’s home. The young man, perhaps in his… Read More »What Are You, Anyway?