Am I Anti-Religion?

It happens more than I want to admit.  It happened again this week.  Some people tell me that I’m “Anti-Religion” or a destructive force.  Given that religion has been foundational for my spiritual journey, perhaps there’s something to explore. The following is a text version of this posting. In recent… Read More »Am I Anti-Religion?

Spirituality: Three Important Things

Spirituality and your spiritual path: What’s most important?  There are three things that I know are essential for the spiritual dimension of life. The following is a text version of this posting. Spirituality is a significant focus of my life and my work.  While many things can be explored under… Read More »Spirituality: Three Important Things

Spirituality: God Not Required

When it comes to spirituality, God is optional. Connecting spirituality with a belief in God or a Higher Power is a common mistake.  While one’s spirituality may include belief in a deity, many people lead deeply spiritual lives without holding a belief in God. The following is a text version… Read More »Spirituality: God Not Required