
It’s a Sin!

If it’s fun or pleasurable, it must be a sin!  That’s what many people seem to think.  Sin isn’t about an action or habit.  It has to do with how we live.  The following is a text version of this posting. It’s a Sin!  The song by the Pet Shop… Read More »It’s a Sin!

Prosperity Theology: Don’t Get Scammed

Didn’t Jesus teach his followers to take care of the poor?  Then why are so many churches and pastors rich?  Why do so many Christians talk about “victory” and God’s blessings?  It’s all part of prosperity theology – and it’s a scam.  That’s the topic of my YouTube video today.… Read More »Prosperity Theology: Don’t Get Scammed


Am I Anti-Religion?

It happens more than I want to admit.  It happened again this week.  Some people tell me that I’m “Anti-Religion” or a destructive force.  Given that religion has been foundational for my spiritual journey, perhaps there’s something to explore. The following is a text version of this posting. In recent… Read More »Am I Anti-Religion?

Is Jesus Relevant?

The findings from Pew Research are clear: the importance of religion in the lives of Americans is shrinking. Yes, there are lots of problems with institutional religion.  In the face of cultural changes, I think it’s important to consider the relevance of the teachings of Jesus even as the importance… Read More »Is Jesus Relevant?


The Politics of Christianity

There are many things in life I just don’t understand.  One of them is how people misrepresent the heart of a religion — any religion.  Whether it’s Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity, some followers of each path are likely to take minor themes from the religion out of context, blow… Read More »The Politics of Christianity

The God in Whom I Believe

The word, “God.”  Do people mean the same thing when they use it?  Could it be that people, even in the same religion, have different understandings of God? In this video, I’m exploring some of the ways I understand and experience God. The following is a text version of this… Read More »The God in Whom I Believe