
The Problem with Christian Spirituality

Christian spirituality suffers from a basic problem:  most people don’t know what it is.  Many Christians confuse Christian spirituality with dogma.  Dogma is rational and cognitive.  But spirituality is the movement of the heart and soul.  Let me explain further.  The following is a text version of this posting. It… Read More »The Problem with Christian Spirituality


Can You Work with a Buddhist?

Jesus is my primary spiritual teacher.  As a spiritual director, am I able to work with others who follow a different path?  That’s what a Buddhist woman wanted to know. Perhaps you’ve wondered about that. The following is a text version of this blog. The question was simple and straightforward. … Read More »Can You Work with a Buddhist?

What’s This About Black Jesus?

People talk about Black Jesus.  Was Jesus Black?  He wasn’t white.  Jesus was a Jew from ancient Palestine.  He was Middle Eastern.  Yet we picture him as white with long flowing hair. What is this all about? The following is a text version of this posting. Maybe you’ve noticed this… Read More »What’s This About Black Jesus?

It’s a Sin!

If it’s fun or pleasurable, it must be a sin!  That’s what many people seem to think.  Sin isn’t about an action or habit.  It has to do with how we live.  The following is a text version of this posting. It’s a Sin!  The song by the Pet Shop… Read More »It’s a Sin!