
Lent and the God of Jesus

It’s an ancient tradition. Over the last 1500 years or so, Christians have observed a period of prayer and fasting prior to Easter.  In time, a forty-day period (Sundays aren’t included because Sundays are a memorial of Easter) emerged within the Christian tradition and came to be called Lent.  The… Read More »Lent and the God of Jesus

What Would Jesus Want?

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? How about this? What would Jesus want us to do? Anyone who seriously reads the New Testament gospels will be uncomfortable when they realize what Jesus actually wants from his followers. The following is a text version of this posting. Some years ago, there was… Read More »What Would Jesus Want?


Praying as Jesus Taught

Lent.  From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, Christians mark a six-week season meant to focus on God’s presence in our world and our lives.  It’s a time when churches typically offer special services and devotional practices.  Among other things, Lent is a time for prayer. Prayer is a confusing thing… Read More »Praying as Jesus Taught

Lent: Pain, Suffering, and the Cross

It’s a difficult topic.  Most people prefer avoiding it entirely.  But for those of us who are Christian, we’re at the time of year when it’s a topic that’s difficult to avoid.  Suffering. During the traditional forty-day season of Lent, Christians are asked to reflect on the suffering of Jesus… Read More »Lent: Pain, Suffering, and the Cross

Reflections on The Raising of Lazarus

Many churches will not have services this week.  In the case of churches continuing to hold services, many people will opt not to attend for health concerns.  As a way to support the spiritual journey of Christians during this Lenten Season, for the remaining Sundays of Lent, I will post… Read More »Reflections on The Raising of Lazarus


The Woman at the Well

The Woman at the Well Many churches will not have services this week.  In the case of churches continuing to hold services, many people will opt not to attend for health concerns.  As a way to support the spiritual journey of Christians during this Lenten Season, for the remaining Sundays… Read More »The Woman at the Well