
Faith VS Fear

“I’m not afraid.  I have faith!”  That’s something people say today.  I don’t think faith has anything to do with fear.  Fear is an emotion meant to protect us by alerting us to possible danger.  Faith is a conviction.  The following is a text version of this blog. There’s a… Read More »Faith VS Fear

The Politics of Christianity

There are many things in life I just don’t understand.  One of them is how people misrepresent the heart of a religion — any religion.  Whether it’s Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity, some followers of each path are likely to take minor themes from the religion out of context, blow… Read More »The Politics of Christianity


Love Your Neighbor

In the early 1990’s, I moved to South Florida where I lived for about five and a half years.  One of the first things I noticed was the number of cars with the same bumper sticker.  Red letters on a white background simply stated:  Love your neighbor.    I never knew… Read More »Love Your Neighbor

Ask My Neighbor

If you’re a user of social media, you’ve likely seen a meme frequently shared in recent weeks. It contains an image of an Amish man with a caption something like this: “A tourist asked an Amish man if he was Christian. The Amish man responded, ‘I don’t know. You’ll have… Read More »Ask My Neighbor

The Politics of Christianity

There are many things in life I just don’t understand.  One of them is how people misrepresent the heart of a religion — any religion.  Whether it’s Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity, some followers of each path are likely to take minor themes from the religion out of context, blow… Read More »The Politics of Christianity

An Ash Valentine’s Day

It’s an odd year. It happened like this in 1945.  It happened again in 2018.  It just doesn’t happen often. Now it’s happening again:  Ash Wednesday falls on February 14 — Valentine’s Day. While there are lots of jokes being made about the coincidence online, I look at this unique happenstance of… Read More »An Ash Valentine’s Day


Love That Is Disordered

Have there been times in your life when you’ve chosen your own benefit at the expense of others?  I was spending a few days at an event with colleagues.  After breakfast, a long-time friend pulled me aside to talk.  She quietly told me that she wanted to share something personal… Read More »Love That Is Disordered