
Everything Happens for a Reason?

Stuff happens in people’s lives.  Some of it is tragic.  Sometimes people just can’t catch a break. Many people say, “Things happen for a reason.”  Do they?  Is that blaming the victim? Are some reasons behind the things that happen outside of a person’s control? The following is a text… Read More »Everything Happens for a Reason?


The Wonder of the Mystic

Wonder. Awe. Amazement. Moments like these captivate us. They can be a gateway to mystical experiences. Let’s explore how wonder leads us into the mystical life. The following is a text version of this posting. Near the end of his life, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “Never once in my… Read More »The Wonder of the Mystic

Renewed in Spring

Springtime is drawing near in the northern hemisphere.  Days are becoming longer as sunlight continues into the evening.  Snow and ice have begun to melt off in many regions.  The first flowers poke out of the ground while tree limbs swell and buds begin to appear.  There’s a sense of… Read More »Renewed in Spring
