
Hearing Into Being

I know that I’ve done it.  You probably have as well.  This time, I realized I was doing it as it occurred.  I guess you could say that I caught myself in the middle of the act. A friend of mine was having a rough time, feeling beaten down by… Read More »Hearing Into Being

Set on Fire

From time to time, I post a meme on my Facebook page and Twitter feed with quotes from spiritual writers I find inspiring.  A few days ago, I posted this one with a quote from 13th Century Christian mystic, Meister Eckhart. Eckhart was a Dominican priest, philosopher, and theologian.  In… Read More »Set on Fire


Becoming Fire

The movement started when Christianity could be legally practiced in the Roman Empire.  Those in serious pursuit of a way of life that could be called “Christian” left their towns and cities and headed to remote places to live alone or in small groups.  The most notable were the people… Read More »Becoming Fire

Sometimes We All Have Pain

It’s a classic song from my high school days.  I’m surprised how often I find the song playing as background music in my mind.  It was in 1972 that singer-song writer Bill Withers released this soulful tune: “Sometimes in our lives we all have pain We all have sorrow …”… Read More »Sometimes We All Have Pain

No Pain, No Gain! Are You Sure?

Was there a time when a friend or loved one said something to you that led you to a new insight or a moment of growth? In my college years, I would venture with a group of fellow students for weekend retreats at a remote farmhouse in the mountains of… Read More »No Pain, No Gain! Are You Sure?


Finding Light in the Darkness

Let’s just admit something that’s simply true: life can be very difficult. For decades, war has raged in the Middle East and Central Asia with no real solution in sight as hundreds of thousands of refugees flee to Europe. Each day, children and youth are gunned-down in the streets of… Read More »Finding Light in the Darkness