Thanksgiving: A Counter-Cultural Holiday

Thanksgiving: It’s called a uniquely “American” holiday.  Celebrated in Canada and the US, Thanksgiving is characterized by long-standing traditions. Despite its popularity, most people haven’t considered that it’s counter-cultural.  Thanksgiving moves away from “rugged individualism” and the cultural focus on individual freedoms to a very different perspective on life. Join… Read More »Thanksgiving: A Counter-Cultural Holiday

Three Facets of Spiritual Growth

Development and growth. Spiritual experiences can be transformative in themselves, but how do we understand our own spiritual development and growth? The spiritual dimension of life is more than just random experiences but leads us to develop and integrate spiritual experiences in ways to make our lives full and rich.… Read More »Three Facets of Spiritual Growth

Why Am I a Follower of Jesus?

#Christianity is marked by #scandals, #abuse, and #bigotry. So why do I remain a follower of Jesus’s teachings?  I’ve studied other religions and traditions. I consider myself to be interspiritual. Yet, the teachings of #Jesus are foundational for me. The following is a text version of this blog posting. Why… Read More »Why Am I a Follower of Jesus?