Meals that We Remember

It’s a common custom in many cultures.  Each year, people gather with family and friends for a holiday meal.  In some cultures, that meal is related to the harvest.  In others, the meal is connected with a significant historical event for that culture.  In the United States, Thanksgiving is related… Read More »Meals that We Remember

The Pandemic and Layers of Grief

My partner and I decided that we should support family-owned restaurants in our area. By not having seating patrons, many restaurants are experiencing a loss of business. We went to one of our favorite places: a Laotian restaurant about a 20-minute drive from our home.   We pulled up and found… Read More »The Pandemic and Layers of Grief

The Woman at the Well

The Woman at the Well Many churches will not have services this week.  In the case of churches continuing to hold services, many people will opt not to attend for health concerns.  As a way to support the spiritual journey of Christians during this Lenten Season, for the remaining Sundays… Read More »The Woman at the Well