
Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor In the early 1990’s, I moved to South Florida where I lived for about five and a half years.  One of the first things I noticed was the number of cars with the same bumper sticker.  Red letters on a white background simply stated:  Love your neighbor.   … Read More »Love Your Neighbor

Ask My Neighbor

If you’re a user of social media, you’ve likely seen a meme frequently shared in recent weeks. It contains an image of an Amish man with a caption something like this: “A tourist asked an Amish man if he was Christian. The Amish man responded, ‘I don’t know. You’ll have… Read More »Ask My Neighbor

Renewed in Spring

Springtime is drawing near in the northern hemisphere.  Days are becoming longer as sunlight continues into the evening.  Snow and ice have begun to melt off in many regions.  The first flowers poke out of the ground while tree limbs swell and buds begin to appear.  There’s a sense of… Read More »Renewed in Spring

The Politics of Christianity

There are many things in life I just don’t understand.  One of them is how people misrepresent the heart of a religion — any religion.  Whether it’s Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity, some followers of each path are likely to take minor themes from the religion out of context, blow… Read More »The Politics of Christianity