An Unexpected Loss

It’s a trip I began planning a few months ago.  Taking advantage of the break between my academic quarters, I’m spending ten days in South Dakota.  It’s been nearly twenty years since I’ve visited the grassy prairie, the rugged Badlands, and the grand monument to Crazy Horse, the Lakota warrior.… Read More »An Unexpected Loss

What Life Might Have Been

The stairs stretched up in front of me:  154 of them. The climb is ten stories high.  Some collegiate athletes run up the steps as part of their training. Mine was a measured pace, not just because of age and limited lung capacity, but also as I slowly walked the… Read More »What Life Might Have Been

To Listen is To Survive

Here’s something you probably don’t know.  Almost all living organisms have the ability to hear.  Yes, all animals have the sense of hearing.  So do plants. There are creatures are called “extremophiles.” They live in extreme conditions like at the bottom of the ocean in total darkness, in the artic… Read More »To Listen is To Survive

Am I Woke? Am I an Ally?

The conversation caught me off guard.  I was stopped by a couple of my students during a recent residency course.  (I teach adults – usually ages 35 to 55 – in a doctoral program in psychology.)  “We had a meeting about you,” was the opening line.  Trying to be of… Read More »Am I Woke? Am I an Ally?

Spiraling Down to a Dark Place

There are times in my life when it’s been easy to spiral and I find myself in a dark place.  I wouldn’t call it depression.  I’ve experienced depression.  This is something different. When the spiraling happens, I find myself in what seems to be a deep pit.  It can last… Read More »Spiraling Down to a Dark Place

Living With Gratitude

Gratitude.  There are many ways people remind themselves to be thankful for the blessings of life.  Some people pause before meals to pray a blessing and offer thanks.  There are others who use affirmations throughout the day focused on gratitude.  From time to time on social media, I see various… Read More »Living With Gratitude